My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!

lunedì 9 novembre 2015


Come e quanto si guadagna?

Ogni volta che MAP viene pagata per l'acquisto di un prodotto pubblicitario, l'azienda condivide il profitto con i suoi membri (profit sharing). Per poter accedere a questo guadagno bisogna acquistare dei credit pack da 49.99$ l'uno e cliccare su 10 banner pubblicitari da 10-30 secondi l'uno al giorno. 

E se saltiamo un giorno?

Niente paura: se un giorno non riusciamo a visualizzare le pubblicità non parteciperemo alla divisione degli utili aziendali di quel giorno. Tutto qui.

Per ogni credit pack riceviamo fino a 0,60 $ al giorno e veniamo pagati 72 volte al giorno, quindi ogni 20 minuti. Ogni pack scade quando arriva a rendere 60$(10$ di profitto), quindi dopo circa 100 giorni. Abbiamo quindi un ritorno del 20% in 3 mesi circa, ma possiamo anche reinvestire in un ulteriore pack ogni volta che arriviamo a guadagnare 49.99$, rendendo così la crescita esponenziale!


giovedì 5 novembre 2015


Michael Deese is a wickedly talented retired Air Force vet who developed My Advertising Pays, a process that took over a year. The entire project took years, even hiring a professional mathematician in the process to make sure the company would be sustainable for years to come.
Baller, huh?

What makes MAP different?

Before joining any company, you always want to look at theirunique value propositions.
In other words, what makes the company differentiate themselves from other competitors in the market? What makes the company unique?
After all, those are going to be the factors that bless a business with prosperity and longevity.
So, because you asked for them, here are some of the unique value propositions (UVP) for MAP:
1) MAP (My Advertising Pays) is a legitimate and compliant company that allows you to earn a steady and long-term incomewhile advertising your business. This business can be another deal you are in or a Clickbank offer. Really, its up to you.
2) Math-based model (like i said, they hired a professional mathematician) that is expected to pay high daily percentages for years to come, backed by significant internal and external corporate sources.
3) Extremely simple, free to get started (membership is $100 after 30 days), and you instantly start making money after signing up and viewing ads once every 24 hours. Clicking on these ads take no more than 5 minutes each day.
4) The MAP system solves the sustainability problems of previous revenue-sharing models.
The company currently has a 99% retention rate. This is unreal. But it makes sense, since literally every single person who participates in the daily profit share makes money.
And even after all of these value propositions, there is still one factor that makes this company bonkers.
Yes, bonkers…I said it.
Ready? Here goes…
…you don’t have to promote it to make money.
Yes, you can literally keep it this simple:
1) buy credit packs
2) click on 10 ads every day
3) get paid
And, as you do this, you are constantly making money, 24/7, from anywhere in the world.
Cause, truthfully, money never sleeps, even if our parents and school teachers told us otherwise:



Michael Deese is a wickedly talented retired Air Force vet who developed My Advertising Pays, a process that took over a year. The entire project took years, even hiring a professional mathematician in the process to make sure the company would be sustainable for years to come.
Baller, huh?

What makes MAP different?

Before joining any company, you always want to look at theirunique value propositions.
In other words, what makes the company differentiate themselves from other competitors in the market? What makes the company unique?
After all, those are going to be the factors that bless a business with prosperity and longevity.
So, because you asked for them, here are some of the unique value propositions (UVP) for MAP:
1) MAP (My Advertising Pays) is a legitimate and compliant company that allows you to earn a steady and long-term incomewhile advertising your business. This business can be another deal you are in or a Clickbank offer. Really, its up to you.
2) Math-based model (like i said, they hired a professional mathematician) that is expected to pay high daily percentages for years to come, backed by significant internal and external corporate sources.
3) Extremely simple, free to get started (membership is $100 after 30 days), and you instantly start making money after signing up and viewing ads once every 24 hours. Clicking on these ads take no more than 5 minutes each day.
4) The MAP system solves the sustainability problems of previous revenue-sharing models.
The company currently has a 99% retention rate. This is unreal. But it makes sense, since literally every single person who participates in the daily profit share makes money.
And even after all of these value propositions, there is still one factor that makes this company bonkers.
Yes, bonkers…I said it.
Ready? Here goes…
…you don’t have to promote it to make money.
Yes, you can literally keep it this simple:
1) buy credit packs
2) click on 10 ads every day
3) get paid
And, as you do this, you are constantly making money, 24/7, from anywhere in the world.
Cause, truthfully, money never sleeps, even if our parents and school teachers told us otherwise: