My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!

giovedì 29 ottobre 2015


So, let’s recap My Advertising Pays:
100% everyone makes money with the profit share…
…you get paid 10% lifetime on personal referral sales
…and it’s free to get started.
And by partnering with me, you’ll get plugged into our team training.
Training that gets you making money off your first credit packs in 20 minutes.
You also earn money with the daily company profit shares, which refresh 72 times every day. However, to qualify for the daily profit share, you must click on 10 ads each day.
Each credit pack purchase will earn you approximately 1.0%-1.5% each day. Because of this, many people choose to repurchase their profit share earnings into more credit packs so they can leverage the power of compound interest.
Each credit pack is $49.99, and expire approximately every 60-100 days, or whenever they appreciate to $60. You also earn 10% overrides on all of the credit pack purchases of everyone you personally refer.
Kinda confusing at first, but it will quickly make sense…
…as an example, one pack purchased will earn you approximately $.50 per day.
If you purchase 20 packs, that will appreciate anywhere from $10-$15 per day. So, by purchasing 20 credit packs ($1,000) you’re able to repurchase a new credit pack every 4-5 days or so, because you’d have earned $60, and credit packs are $49.99.
This can compound very fast and keeps the business fun (and addicting).
You are allowed a maximum of 1200 credit packs.
This is actually a good thing, because you will be forced to withdraw your money at that point. You will just have to repurchase accordingly after your existing credit packs expire to keep your active credit packs at 1200.
Keep in mind, you can withdraw your money any time you want. If something comes up and you need to cash out…go for it. No penalties.
I paid off some debt I had lingering from my student loans. No shame in changed my life.


mercoledì 28 ottobre 2015


“A dream doesn't come to reality through magic;
It takes sweat, determination and hard work

"Un sogno non viene alla realtà attraverso la magia; ci vuole sudore, determinazione e duro lavoro ". 

Colin Powell


MyAdvertisingPays  MAP        
E' una piattaforma innovativa, rivoluzionaria e sostenibile 
( a costo zero ) nel settore della pubblicità online e traffico web.

MyAdvertisingPays   MAP  
Mai come in tempo di crisi, diventa importante per le aziende farsi conoscere e stabilire un contatto diretto con i propri clienti, dare loro una nuova visibilità renderli "appetibili" ad un mercato globale sempre più in movimento e nello stesso tempo permettere a persone come me e te  di guadagnare con un sistema facile e sicuro  
Le  strategie funzionano perché  MAP ha sviluppato sistemi matematici e collabora con esperti di marketing online che studiano il settore in modo approfondito per assicurarsi/ci la stabilita’ per un grande futuro .
Come diceva il grande saggio Steve Jobs : Investire nella pubblicità in tempo di crisi è come costruirsi le ali mentre gli altri precipitano”.